- Happy Moon Festival!/Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. 中秋節快樂!
- Wishing you and your family a happy Moon Festival. 祝你和家人中秋節快樂。
- Happy Moon Festival!And may health and happiness be with you. 祝中秋節快樂!健康幸福與你同在。
- May peace, health, happiness, and joy be with you on Mid-Autumn Festival. 中秋節平安、健康、快樂、美滿!
- To you and your loved ones a health and peace-filled Moon Festival! Cheers to the joyous work and life! 祝你全家身體健康平安,工作與生活順利!中秋節快樂。
- Be thankful and cherish our good fortune. May we have a bountiful autumn harvest, a bright moon, and a warm family reunion. Happy Moon Festival!感恩與惜福,慶祝秋天的豐收、中秋節的明月與全家的團聚。中秋節快樂!
- We wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and may health and happiness be with you all. 祝你中秋節快樂,身體健康、順心如意!
- A bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry Mid-Autumn Festival, bliss, and happiness. 皓月韶光,祝你中秋佳節愉快。
- Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the round moon bring you a happy family and a successful future. 秋節愉快,月圓人團圓。
- Wish you a perfect life just like the roundest moon in Mid-Autumn Day. 願你今後過著「滿」分的生活。
- Celebrate the little moments together. 與你分享生活中的美好。
- May you have a happy and prosperous Mid-Autumn Festival. 祝你中秋節快樂,萬事如意。
- Wishing you a bright and wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival with your loved ones. 祝你和你的摯愛共渡一個美好的中秋節。
- Wishing you a harvest of happiness and success in the coming year. 祝你來年收穫快樂和成功。
- May you enjoy the company of family and friends and indulge in delicious mooncakes during this Mid-Autumn Festival. 祝你在這個中秋節裡,享受和家人朋友的相處,品嚐美味的月餅。
- May the full moon bless you with good luck and happiness throughout the year. 願圓月祝福你全年好運和幸福。
- Sending you warm wishes and greetings on this special occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival. 在這個特別的中秋佳節,寄上我們最真摯的祝福和問候。
- May you have a delightful Mid-Autumn Festival with your family and loved ones. 祝你和你的家人摯愛度過一個愉快的中秋節。
- Wishing you a season filled with joy and happiness, and a prosperous Mid-Autumn Festival. 祝你豐收的季節充滿歡樂和幸福,中秋節快樂。
- May the beauty of the moon and the happiness of the season fill your heart with joy and love. 願月之美和節之喜,充滿你的心靈,帶來快樂和愛。
台灣設計:2024 圓滿之徑 中秋聯名禮盒
這是「有肉 SUCCULAND」在 2024 年推出的中秋節禮盒,盆器設計概念取自傳統民間故事的吉祥物 – 月兔,掌型大小,拿在手裡相當討喜!名為「霞月兔」的牠,取晚霞天光漫散之色為披衣,帶來 2024 年滿滿的寧靜美好。有肉獨家霞月兔盆器以特調比例、細緻工法製作,精巧且舒心。植物各具特色,品質再三篩選,確保盆如其名,以長年生的多肉植物,吟詠著晚霞月色,將明月芳容映入心簾。
除了月兔造型的中秋禮之外,這一份聯名中秋禮盒還邀請到了知名甜品品牌 「卡柏蒂」合作,在台灣將法式酥餅做的經典又有新意,使用進口食材與台灣獨有的原生在地食材,一口咬下,滋味圓滿的令人驚豔,讓這份禮盒更象徵送禮人的滿滿心意。
無論在哪個縣市,有肉都能把禮盒安全送達。為了讓收禮人得到充分的安心幸福感,每份禮物皆附上多肉植物養護資訊,更包含有肉專屬的線上植物醫生,透過 LINE 平台,收禮人可以隨時詢問植物的狀況,讓這份心意隨著時間慢慢長大。
今年中秋節為 2024 年 9 月 17 日,趁著中秋節,不妨選一份高級中秋禮盒,向重要的對象致贈感謝心意。有肉 SUCCULAND 2024 中秋節攜手知名甜品品牌卡柏蒂,打造全新中秋聯名禮盒,永續水庫淤泥製成的植栽「霞月兔」、法國發酵奶油烘烤而成的經典布列塔尼酥餅,以晚霞月色溫柔包裹療癒的月兔與布列塔尼。「美」與「味」兼備的設計,將大自然的祝福,融入秋天的豐盛之中,在屬於家人相聚團圓的時節,認識到生命中的每一步都有其意義,一步一步走向屬於自己的圓滿,共享幸福的每一時刻。
預訂 2024 中秋禮盒:
- 2024 中秋聯名禮盒介紹(提供企業客製化服務)
- 電話:0975-277-227 | 聯絡人:許先生
- 信箱:service@succuland.com.tw